Thursday, June 28, 2012

First World Problems

1. The longest phone call you have had in recent memory was with the iPhone helpline.
2. You feel creeped out that all your facebook friends had access to information on where you were at exactly what time when someone tags your location without telling/asking you first.
3. The restaurant you went to wasn't as great as the internet reviews made it seem.
4. Your conversations with friends consist of the various random things you all read about recently on the internet.
5. You get mad because someone can post pictures of their breakfast on facebook but can't reply your really heartfelt facebook message.
6. Going to the post office is almost as intimidating as going to the dentist.
7. All your mother's friends know who you are before you've even met them because she posts about you on facebook all the time.
8. You feel like your personal space has been invaded when the bus boy takes away your food before you've finished it.
9. You don't know how to use whatsapp when many people in your life have now moved on to it as the preferred mode of communication.
10. You've been wise with money and refused to upgrade your iPhone 3Gs but now it doesn't work because it can't support newfangled software updates.
11. You almost get a 3rd degree burn through your pants pocket because your iPhone overheated from running an app.

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